MArieke bohte

Sport has always been an important part of Marieke's life. Years ago, she started to explore strength training and followed various plans that ultimately formed the foundation of her knowledge in fitness and nutrition. 

In 2017, Marieke exchanged traditional gym-based strength training for an even greater passion, CrossFit. After several years of enjoyable training and gaining experience at AKA, she became part of the Competition Crew. Marieke finds great satisfaction in pushing herself and others, leading to qualifications for several competitions! 

She derives immense energy from coaching, as it allows her to assist others in their movement journey and in achieving their personal goals, aiming to bring out the best version of themselves. By obtaining her CL-1 certification, Marieke was able to combine her passion for CrossFit and coaching and is now one of the coaches at AKA! 

What i do i do with passion.


CrossFit Level 1